Tuesday, 24 April 2018

London Marathon - the hot one

I have written before about bloggers who log their build up but then don't bother to write up the marathon. This happens a lot in the blogosphere but I will not be one of them!

So, Saturday was 4 miles recovery and then the journey down to London to collect my number and get to my hotel. You are supposed to avoid too much time on feet the day before the marathon but with all the changing trains and walking to the expo. and then to the hotel I did about 20,000 steps that day. Probably not ideal but then again nothing I am not used to.

I had a good sleep on Saturday and a sensible breakfast (sadly passing on the full English option!) I also took the weather seriously, putting on a white cap and vest and covering myself with factor 50 sunscreen.

Unfortunately the forecast had got even worse at this point. It was now going to be sunny all morning with the temperature rising from 18 to 21. This was a bit of a disaster for any hopes of a fast time.

I decided to pace by heart rate and just see what happened. I have never run a marathon in these conditions before so wasn't sure how it would play out.

All the logistics of getting to the start went smoothly and I was soon in pen number 1, watching the Queen press the start button. Within a couple minutes I was running over the start line.

There were supposed to be 3 hour pacers from the blue start but I never saw them which is probably a good thing as going with them would not have ended well.

The first 3 miles went well enough, with the average pace around 6:55 and the heart rate in the right place. Unfortunately my watch was not doing a good job of measuring the route and kept ticking over to the next mile earlier and earlier, meaning I was actually going slower than it was indicating. I decided just to watch the heart rate and not worry about it.

At every water station I took water and chucked the rest over my head. Where there was Lucozade I took that and where there were gels I used them. All in all I used 5 gels.

The first 12 miles were pretty uneventful. The miles ticked by quickly enough. The watch claimed my average pace was about 6:55. In reality it was probably more like 7:05. My heart rate was nice and low at about 143. I kept on telling myself just to relax and I would smash the last 6 miles.

After about 12 miles I got a bit of a stitch - probably due to the unusual amount of nutrition I was taking on. This were away after a few miles thankfully.

Around this point we turned right onto Tower Bridge. This is an amazing part of the course with the amount of noise made by spectators on the bridge being quite phenomenal. However it is then followed by the anticlimax of some boring miles before you get to 20 miles and can start counting down to the end.

I went through halfway in about 1:34. About this point I realised that a good time was not going to happen today. I felt OK but not great. I could maybe push for a 3:10 but I didn't really see the point. It wasn't a day for records. I decided to just go with the flow of runners around me and just enjoy the race.

So that it what I did for the next 7 miles. I didn't slow to a jog but nor did I push. I just cantered along at a steady effort, taking everything in and still gaining places.

One bonus of my steady pace was that I got to see Kipchoge and Mo Farah coming the other direction before the routes diverged. Hopefully this will be the last time I am slow enough to see the leaders coming in the other direction!

After about 15 miles the route winds through the Isle of Dogs and Canary Wharf for about 5 miles. This part of the course is a bit less well supported than other areas and a bit undulating. However I was going reasonably well and the miles passed quickly enough.

I got to 20 miles in about 2:26. That meant I needed a 49 minute 10K to get a sub 3:15. That seemed like a sensible target so I started checking my watch again to make sure my pace was faster than 8 minutes per mile.

It is incredible how far apart the mile markers seem to be at this stage in a marathon. Thankfully they all came round less than 8 minutes after the previous one so I was on course.

After about 40K a 3:15 pacemaker eased past me and pulled away. I concluded that he must have crossed the start line before me and there was no need to panic. I did try to speed up a bit to stay with the pacemaker but I got some twinges in my calf that signalled cramp could be on the way. No big finish for me then.

Soon enough Big Ben came and went and then the long-awaited 1K to go sign. I could see that I had over 1 minute for every 200 metres so as long as I kept moving I would make it. A few minutes later we turned past the Palace and onto the Mall. I managed to enjoy the last 200 metres with a few fist pumps for the camera.

So that was that. London Marathon 2018 in 3:14:28.

12 months ago I did a marathon in 2:59:45. One year and a lot of training later I did a marathon 15 minutes slower. How do you process that?

I think in Manchester last year everything went perfectly. My legs were having a good day, the conditions were good and obviously the course was flat. I managed to sneak under 3 hours by the skin of my teeth.

In London it was way too hot. I don't run well in the heat as several summer half marathons have proved. My legs felt average rather than amazing. So I am OK with a steady marathon with only a limited fade in the second half. I took 10 minutes off my time from 4 years ago on a much hotter day and enjoyed the event much more.

One PB isn't a great return for a big marathon build up but hopefully I have a good base for the rest of the year and can come back again in 2019 for another attempt at the elusive sub 3.

Friday, 20 April 2018

6 miles with strides

As far as final taper weeks go, this one has been pretty full on with a run every day and a mini workout on Wednesday. I guess it is a question of what you are used to and not allowing your legs to get sluggish.

I certainly haven't given my legs any chance of getting lazy today, with a 6 mile run into work with strides, a cycle home and then a swim session this evening.

The strides felt pretty good although not amazing. I think I am in decent shape though.

The triathlon club swim session was humbling as ever. I am just not a very good swimmer. I was in the intermediate class but in reality I am only just at intermediate level. I normally stick to things I am good at so to see people join the group and improve much quicker than me has been eye-opening. Still, I have improved and I think I need to swim more than twice a week to see some real improvements.

6 miles recovery

Nothing but recovery runs and a few strides now. My calves felt a bit tight today but eventually loosened up and the recovery pace was better than normal. Running at midday was hot! 23 degrees in April! I'm glad it will be a little bit cooler on Sunday.

I have done what I can to prepare for the warm weather now. My outfit is all white or yellow, including a cap. I also have some electrolyte gels to help hydration. There is water every mile at London so at every drink station I will sip some water and tip the rest over my head.

In other news, carbo-loading is quite fun!

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Today I fly; on Sunday I fry

This morning was the dress rehearsal. Popular amongst fans of the P&D marathon training plans; some consider it their favourite run of the whole schedule.

The idea is that you dress in your race day kit and see what 2 miles @ marathon pace feels like.

For me that meant putting on short shorts and a vest and leaving the phone behind. I wanted this run to be a confidence boost so I arranged for the wind to be behind me during the fast miles.

So it was 4 miles steady running up to the trail and then let off the brakes. Predictably I got a bit carried away. My HR shot above 150 when it should be around 145 in a marathon. I calmed myself down and loped along at a nice effort. Apple watches do not do lap pace so my heart was in my mouth to some extent when I completed the first tempo mile. Would it be a disappointing time like 6:50 or something better like 6:30? I was very happy to see 6:20 on the watch. However I knew I had put too much effort in and had the wind behind me so this was not a realistic marathon pace.

I tried to keep the HR at a reasonable level for the next mile (averaging about 147) and that came out at 6:40.

I would be ecstatic if I could average 6:40 on Sunday. With colder weather I might have a chance. With the current forecast I would very happily take sub 3:00.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Don't forget suncream

Yikes! The forecast for Sunday has just got worse. It is now predicted to be 23 degrees C by 1 pm. 23 degrees! You can't run a marathon in that!

If that forecast is correct my target will be 3:05.

That's the problem with doing a big training plan for a marathon. You train hard for months, making sacrifices along the way, and then a random injury, illness or bad weather can ruin your chances. Hmm.

Anyway, 6 miles in to work this morning. 8 minute miles coming easy.

Monday, 16 April 2018

7 miles recovery

It's the final countdown. Just 6 more runs before the big one. The main goal is now to keep ticking over and not do anything silly.

As expected the recovery pace was better than normal today and I even did an 8 minute mile! The weather is very pleasant at the moment with no gloves or hat required.

Unfortunately the forecast for London ticked up a degree today but having watched the Boston Marathon I guess I shouldn't complain. 15 to 20 degrees with a light wind will actually feel quite pleasant in the first half but will definitely have an impact in the second. For the elites racing for places it doesn't matter as much as their rivals are equally affected but for those going for a time it is a bit frustrating.

13 miles steady

The taper is in full flow now but the plan still wants 13 miles at a decent pace one week before the marathon. With fresher legs this was not a problem, in fact the main goal was not to get carried away.

The first half was into the wind at an easy effort and the pace was comfortably below 8 minute miles. After the turnaround it was time to up the effort and I was happy to see the pace drop all the way down to 7 minute miles.

Of course I can never stop a run at 13 miles, it has to be 13.11 for a half marathon. This was done in under 1:40 so a nice final long run.

Seven days to go now. It is starting to feel real. 26 miles is an intimidating distance to race so my way of dealing with the pressure is to treat it as just another race as much as possible and not take it too seriously.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

7 miles with strides

Back to my first love today. Getting a run done before anything else, on reasonably fresh legs and over a comfortable distance. This is what I have missed while marathon training. All the easy runs tend to be on tired legs whereas when you have fresh legs you have to make the run count.

Today was just 7 miles with some strides thrown in for good measure.

After 3 miles uphill to the trail I then did 100 metre sprints in every quarter mile section for two miles of trail. Recently, on tired legs, the mile splits containing the strides have barely gone below 8 minutes. Today I did a 6:50 mile. That is the taper difference.

Having said that, I will soon be missing the hard workouts and will be finding another plan to follow after the marathon ASAP. Although marathon training is hard there is something special about being on a quest. It makes me feel alive.

Friday, 13 April 2018

6 miles run commute

As ever the morning runs are much more enjoyable than evening runs. Last night I felt tired mentally and physically. This morning I was fresh and the wind had died down. The pace soon dropped below 8 minutes per mile and felt better as the run went on.

The forecast for London is looking warm. This is not good news! I don't run well in the heat. At the moment it is predicted to be 15 degrees Centigrade at 10 am rising to 19 degrees by 1 pm. Finishing the marathon with the temperature almost 20 degrees is not going to result in a PB. If the temperature is warm I will just have to focus on enjoying the day and forget about the time.

When your legs just shrug

Trying to fit some speed work into my run commute was never going to be much fun. My route home is through town with lots of turns and roads to cross. The best I could hope for was to squeeze in some 400m intervals where I could.

Unfortunately there was an annoying chilly headwind most of the way and I was mentally tired from work. Not the best conditions really. When I did pick up the pace my legs did what they were told but without any enthusiasm. I can almost imagine the conversation between my brain and my legs:

Brain: Go faster now!

Legs: But this is a run commute! Why? Oh alright then.

Brain: Keep it up.

Legs: I am. Chill out.

Brain: OK, ease off.

Legs: I was already.

Brain: Rest over. Fast again now.

Legs: Yeah yeah whatever. What's for tea?

You get the idea. The only time I felt strong was up a hill where the effort seemed to feel a bit more fun.

Anyway this is probably all a combination of having a bit too much fun on the cycle in to work, doing a steady 10 miler yesterday, mental tiredness, life stress and taper madness.

There will be better runs.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

The legs return

Well I felt like a runner again today so that is progress! 10 easy miles into work felt decent with the pace naturally dropping to below 8 minute miles. Of course the tailwind and net downhill helped but still, this was a lot better than yesterday.

Tomorrow I am supposed to be doing 3 x 1 mile @ 5K pace. However I only have the 6 mile run commute to play with, and there is no chance of a mile free from traffic obstructions on that route. So I will split the speed work up into chunks of about 800 m and progressively ramp up the heart rate with each one. It won't be what the plan says but it will be something and that may just be enough!

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

When every step feels forced

Sometimes running feels smooth. Sometimes it feels forced. Today was the latter. My legs weren't particularly sore and even managed some strides without complaining. However they lacked any bounce and just getting the pace down to 8:20 minute miles took some effort. I sometimes wonder if you have to have one bad run after a hard long run and by running on Monday you get it out of the way.

So my 8 mile run today wasn't exactly joyous. But if I can get these bad runs out of the way before race day I am not going to complain.

There are rumours of some warmer weather next week. Now that is a worry. If it is 20 degrees on race day I will have to forget about a PB and just enjoy the day. I just don't race well in the heat.

A run free day

Today I just had no energy. I think I pushed too hard on the long run yesterday and also caught a stomach bug. I managed to cycle in to work but couldn't face the thought of a 6 mile jog home so just cycled home instead.

The problem with following a plan is that I feel compelled to follow it. I hate having to miss runs. However as the taper is fully underway I don't think missing one recovery run will do too much harm. I am trying to avoid these miserable plods on tired legs that I often inflict on myself.

Back on it tomorrow hopefully.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

The last of the long runs

So that is it then. The hay really is in the barn. Just one speed session this Wednesday to bank but mainly just ticking over now.

The plan called for 17 miles today which actually felt very doable compared to 22 last weekend. The legs were a bit tired after racing a parkrun yesterday though. However they were willing to do the required pace. 9 miles @ 8:00 and then 8 miles @ 7:20. I felt pretty good in the second half and got the average pace down to 7:38.

81 mile for the week, partly because I did the 22 miler on Monday rather than Sunday. Next week will be significantly lower.

Parkrun fun times

Another Saturday, another parkrun.

With two successive easy days behind me I had hopes of a good time today. The 3 mile warm up flew by which is always a good sign. The strides felt decent and I got there in plenty of time to catch my breath before the start.

Off we go and a couple of runners tear off, quickly dropping the rest of the field. I start harder than normal and soon find myself in 6th place with a strong runner in front. He gradually pulls away from me over the first lap and I gradually pull away from whoever is behind me leaving me by myself for the second lap.

Running alone makes it impossible to squeeze everything out of your legs but I keep up a hard effort and manage to keep the HR around 160 which is about as high as I can get it these days.

I lap a handful of people towards the end of the second lap and then it is the finish straight. This 250m section is my favourite part of the course as it is flat, then downhill and then flat to the finish line. You can really take off on the downhill bit and then maintain the pace to the finish to really complete the course with gusto!

Have I gone sub 19? Not quite. 19:03 for my joint second fastest time on this course. It felt good. It was fun. I'll take it.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Taper madness

Today was the first day that I noticed the taper. An easy day yesterday followed by an easy 6 miles today. What is this laziness?

My legs certainly felt decent on the run into work and the 8 minute miles came easy.

Then it will be back to business tomorrow. The plan calls for a tune-up race but there are almost no Saturday races in the UK so I will use my local parkrun instead. Hopefully my legs will be a little fresher than they were two weeks ago and I can improve on 19:35.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

7 miles with strides

Strides are good! They might improve running form. They allow a bit of a workout without wearing you out.

The only problem is, I am always too fatigued to do them justice. I think this is an acceptable part of doing higher mileage than ever before. You can't go longer and faster at the same time. I am looking forward to doing some proper speed work in the summer.

That said, I managed to increase the speed a few times during my 7 mile plod today. So I'll call them strides.

The only other notable event was a painful onset of shin splints in the first mile. Well I assume they were shin splints. Fairly severe pain on both sides of my right shin that then faded away. Hopefully just another niggle that will disappear by itself.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

14 miles victory parade

I guess this is the point in the training plan when you notice that your paces have improved despite the fatigue.

That was the case today anyway. I was expecting a slow run having done 22 miles on Monday but it turned out my legs were pretty well recovered and were more than happy to hit the required paces.

The first half was done at 8:00 minute miles which felt nice. The second half was supposed to be at 7:20 pace but it ended up being a bit quicker than that - closer to 7:10. The average pace ended up being 7:35.

At the moment I seem to be in decent shape. Let's hope I can maintain this for another two and a half weeks.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Recovery? Pah!

According to the plan today is a recovery day but according to my watch I have done over 20,000 steps! Something has gone awry.

As far as "workouts" go today was just the 6 mile cycle into work and a 6 mile jog home at 9 minute mile pace. However I am also temporarily without a car so have done lots of extra walking; hence the high step count.

Walking is great for muscle recovery, however I think my sore joints could have done without it. In compensation I am planning on an early night tonight in preparation for a medium long run tomorrow morning.

I am in a bit of a danger zone here injury-wise: 10K race on Friday, 10 miles with steady parkrun on Sat, 9 steady miles on Sunday, 22 miles yesterday and too many steps today. However my joints seem to be incredibly tough so hopefully I will survive the MLR. And then it will feel like the taper is really starting with two consecutive easy days.

Monday, 2 April 2018

22 miles soggy and steady

Today was a typical bank holiday Monday in the UK. Wet, cold and windy.

The forecast for the morning was abysmal so I found a slot in the afternoon when it would be warmer and less windy but still wet. And wet it was! It must have rained for over two hours of my run.

Thankfully the legs seems to be in good shape. The 8 minute miles came easy in the first half and in the second half the pace was mainly below 7:20 even though I didn't feel like I was going that fast. So 22 miles done in 2 hours 50 minutes.

It is good to know that I can run for that period of time and still be functioning reasonably well at the end. During the marathon I will hopefully only be running for a few minutes longer and will have the crowd and taper to get me through it. In order to get comfortable under 3 hours I will need to run at least 25 miles in the time it took me to do 22 today. Possible? Maybe.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Why long runs should be done at 6am

One of the best reasons to get your runs done early is to prevent the randomness of life getting in the way. How can your family put unexpected demands on you when they are asleep?

Today was supposed to be 22 mile run day. That means finding a 3 hour slot to do it in. That was supposed to be in the afternoon, in between church and cinema trip. However my son was poorly and I ended up taking him to see a doctor mid afternoon. He will be OK but no 3 hour run for me.

I managed to squeeze in a steady 9 miler and will have to fit the long run into tomorrow afternoon. The weather won't be as nice but what can you do?

Despite the shorter run I still managed a 72 mile week and next week will now be much bigger.